What is upload speed?

Upload speeds are used when you want to send information from your device to another location on the internet. Although we don’t think about it as much as we think about downloading information, we upload information all the time. We use our upload speed when we want to post a video to Facebook, or send a picture from our phone to a friend. We also use it every time we click on a link or type a search term into Google. That information has to travel from our browser to the appropriate server in order to tell it which information it needs to send us. Uploading is an essential part of using the internet.

We all use the upload speed test, but some people rely on it heavily. If you’re a content creator that works with video, audio, or other media with large file sizes, slow upload speeds could mean waiting for hours to post your content online or store it on a cloud-based server. If you livestream video or use video chat like Zoom or Skype, you won’t even be able to connect if your bandwidth is too low.

Most ISPs advertise only download speeds, so you might not even realize that upload speeds are a separate thing. Download speeds are also generally the faster of the two speeds, so most advertisements tend to focus on them.


Why is my upload speed so slow?

Here are the typical factors that can affect your upload speeds:

Why is upload slower than download?

For many users, uploading files is quite a bit slower than downloading files. This is usually normal, because most high-speed Internet connections, including cable modems and DSL, are asymmetric — they are designed to provide much better speed for downloading than uploading


How do I fix a slow upload speed?

To fix slow upload speed test, reset the router and ensure its firmware is up-to-date. Disable any proxy (VPN) settings and scan your system for malware. Also, consider upgrading your router or internet plan for more bandwidth and multiple device support.

How to increase your upload speed